
Other Albums
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Black summer bushfire Albums
The days before
before the fires
The unlucky ones
unlucky ones
Search and rescue
search and rescue
Helping the survivors
helping the survivors
The lucky ones
the lucky ones
The injuries
Blaze Aid helps
blaze aid helps
Rebuilding enclosures
rebuilding enclosures
HSI Australia shelters
hsi shelters
HUHA NZ shelters
huha shelters
HSI funded water tank
hsi funded water tank
LAOKO funded shade cloth
laoko shade cloth

New shelters

Funded by Humane Society International Australia

With our kangaroo and wallaby shelters destroyed in the fires, HSI Australia provided funding for us to build new ones. Blaze Aid volunteers helped with the construction. Thank you very much guys - we now have a place where the kangaroos and wallabies can find shelter from the rain and snow.